You'll See At Last
We often cannot see what God has planned
Some things take place that we don’t understand
It seems as though the river keeps on flowing
We look around and have no way of knowing
Will God show up? Have prayers we prayed been heard?
Have we considered what’s written in the word?
We see how Jesus calmed the winds and waves
His power has no limit, He can save
When fiery darts come flying by dear friend
Hold onto Jesus ~ IT is NOT the end!
The shield of faith will be your sure defence
Oh yes, those wicked darts your faith will quench
When we put on the mighty armor of God
His words of life are like a mighty rod
As we take hold and boldly do confess
We’ll know the power of Christ, our Righteousness
Keep on believing, let your faith take hold
Your trial of faith is precious, more than gold
The plan of God will surely come to pass
When all is said and done, you’ll see at last
(c) 2013 Christine V. Mitchell
All Rights Reserved
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